About Us
Mar Sleeva College of Nursing Palai is an institution developing into a world-class centre of nursing education with a distinct identity and character to achieve and sustain excellence in nursing education through an integrated approach to teaching, learning and service. It is the first institution of the Palai Diocesan Medical Education Trust, established by Mar Joseph Kallarangatt, the Bishop of Palai in 2005.The new building of the college and hostel is a blend of modern, Indian, and Kerala architecture which is situated on a state-of-the-art campus.

The college has committed and skilled faculty in all specialties. We have a well-furnished library and well-equipped laboratories. It gives special training in Spoken English, Computer Application, Yoga, Athletics, Sports, Games, etc. The College is affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Indian Nursing Council and Kerala Nurses and Midwives council. This has been conferred the minority status by the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions.

The Emblem
The emblem embodies the spirit of the motto, the light, life, service are the three pillars of the college of nursing, which are formed through seven beautifully combined components, such as mar sleeva,open book, Dove, the eucharist, the Globe, the Caduces, and the Olive Leaves.
The nurses are brought to light through the union of word of God, The Eucharist and the Holy Spirit which gives life. And this is the fruit of the self- emptying of Mar Sleeva the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ, the life of all.
The college of Nursing stands for providing Holistic care to the mankind which is represented by the Globe, through rejuvenated wisdom and skill on advanced technology as depicted in the medical emblem.
We believe that the basic course in Nursing is a formal educational preparation that should be based on sound educational principles as the foundation on which the practice of Nursing is built and on which further education depends.
• Nursing is a profession that is influenced by advances in knowledge, skill, attitude and technology. So nurses need to evaluate the curriculum periodically and make needed changes both in theory and practice.
• The nature of nursing is such that a substantial portion of the student's learning is acquired in the clinical area and the provision of appropriate clinical facilities and clinical guidance with periodical evaluation is the responsibility of the members of the health team.
• For quality nursing care, the role of the professional nurse must include evidence-based practice, and continuing nursing education for the care of patients and families.
• Nursing leader has a responsibility in helping the student to develop pride in the profession and in guiding her/him with respect, by demonstrating a high standard of professional behavior.
• When jobs for nursing personnel are designed the leader needs to ensure employees' autonomy and self-actualization for the quality of patient care, patient satisfaction, and employee satisfaction.
• Professional and non-professional personnel who are organized into self-directed work teams can best provide a high quality of nursing education to the students.
The objectives
Provide an educational programme through which the graduates will be prepared to assume responsibility in the primary, secondary and tertiary care of people as professional nurses.
• Graduates are prepared as capable of teaching and supervising in appropriate nursing and health care settings and participate in the administration of nursing service and education.
• Contribute towards the empowerment of women through the education of the adolescent girls of the community and locality, preferably the underprivileged.
• Ensure that the nurse achieves an all-round development so that she is able to meet the needs of the individual, family, community and society and thus makes herself an asset to society.
• Promotes teaching and learning process in the classroom as well as in the clinical area through appropriate supervision and ongoing evaluation based on well-defined criteria.
• Assist and coordinate with other members of the nursing team and the multidisciplinary team in the prevention of diseases and promotion of health in the hospital and community.
• Ensure the practice of spiritual and ethical values in personal and professional life by providing a conducive environment through prayer services, meditation and periodical retreats.